
The Funk in My Trunk

Have you ever had one of those funky smells in your car, like someone left a chicken strip caked in dried Chik-Fila sauce under one of the seats? Like your...

The Funk in My Trunk

Have you ever had one of those funky smells in your car, like someone left a chicken strip caked in dried Chik-Fila sauce under one of the seats? Like your...

Give 'Em What They Ask For: Recipe for Tater To...

Email from readers is the best. Here’s one I loved: Yes, I have most of your books. What fun… now about that casserole…happen to have that recipe? Could you please...

Give 'Em What They Ask For: Recipe for Tater To...

Email from readers is the best. Here’s one I loved: Yes, I have most of your books. What fun… now about that casserole…happen to have that recipe? Could you please...

PG-13 Alert

Once I upon a time I wrapped up 30-days-of-praying-for-Eric’s-happiness and  rolled into another 30 days. The side effect of praying for his happiness is that he is happier. More confident....

PG-13 Alert

Once I upon a time I wrapped up 30-days-of-praying-for-Eric’s-happiness and  rolled into another 30 days. The side effect of praying for his happiness is that he is happier. More confident....

Close Encounters of the Cloud Atlas Kind

Warning! This gets all twilight zone on ya, so don’t think I’ve lost my marbles.  Keep an open mind, and see if any of these feelings relate to experiences you’ve...

Close Encounters of the Cloud Atlas Kind

Warning! This gets all twilight zone on ya, so don’t think I’ve lost my marbles.  Keep an open mind, and see if any of these feelings relate to experiences you’ve...

Ghoulies Ghosties and Long-Leggedy Beasties

I don’t believe in zombies. Sparkly vampires. The Loch Ness Monster. Big Foot. I do believe in something though.  I know there’s more out there than my eyes can see...

Ghoulies Ghosties and Long-Leggedy Beasties

I don’t believe in zombies. Sparkly vampires. The Loch Ness Monster. Big Foot. I do believe in something though.  I know there’s more out there than my eyes can see...

iResolve: The Story Behind My Love Story

For our 12th wedding anniversary—which we are spending “in” at our beloved Snowheresville in Wyoming—I wanted to take stock of how we are doing on our most important resolutions, and...

iResolve: The Story Behind My Love Story

For our 12th wedding anniversary—which we are spending “in” at our beloved Snowheresville in Wyoming—I wanted to take stock of how we are doing on our most important resolutions, and...