Autumn Thriller Challenge
Join us for fun!
- Read the great books below from bestselling authors!
- Earn points by posting books read w/#AutumnThrillerChallenge + more
- Enter below or HERE
- Watch for weekly challenge live streams at
- Questions? Scroll down to FAQS below books
1st Prize: $200 gift card + 7 signed paperbacks |
2nd Prize: 7 signed paperbacks |
3rd Prize: 7 ebooks |
Finishers receive signed certificate!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is there a fee to enter?
No! This contest is absolutely free. In fact, if you don't want to own these books or $$ is a barrier, you can request them in any format at your local library. However, if you want to purchase any of them, most of them are either in Kindle Unlimited (free to subscribers) or discounted during the challenge. Click on book covers to access their "buy" pages.
How do I sign up?
Through the app (, which then lists all the ways you can earn points. You must provide a valid email address.
How do I earn points?
The best way is to post a picture of each book you read on social media, tag the author, and use hashtag #AutumnThrillerChallenge and log it in the app ( But there are many other ways to earn points listed in the app, too! Try them all!
How do I log back into the app to add more entries?
Return to this page ( and click any of the enter links including and log back in using the name and email you originally entered with.
How many times can I enter with posts of challenge books I've read hashtagged #autumnthrillerchallenge?
One per day through the end of the challenge!
What if I've already read some of the books?
That's great! You can claim credit for them and read the rest.
Do I have to read the books in order?
The books are ordered to match the Facebook Live author book chat schedule. It may be most fun to read in order so you'll be able to fully engage with other participants in these conversations. But you can read them in any order you want!
How do I keep up with the contest and learn more about the books and authors?
Click any book cover to navigate to more information about the book and author. To keep up with the contest, follow the authors and watch for their posts, including weekly Facebook Live Videos with the authors where you can ask questions about their books or anything you want! To search for past posts, enter #autumnthrillerchallenge in the search bar of your favorite social media site. Most of our authors use Facebook and Instagram.
How will winners be selected?
The top point earners as recorded by their entries into the app ( with a valid email address provided will be double-checked to validate their entries.
When will winners be announced?
Winners will be contacted after the contest ends. Once this connection is made, the winners will be announced on social media by the authors.
What are the 7 books in the prizes?
Skin and Bones by Pamela Fagan Hutchins
La Playa de Los Muertos: A Corsair Novel by Douglas Pratt
Finding Claire Fletcher by Lisa Regan
A Secret Worth Keeping by Drew Strickland
Missing in the Keys by Nicholas Harvey & Douglas Pratt
Max's War by Libby Fischer Hellmann
Little Girl Vanished by Denise Grover Swank