Pitching for or Guesting on Crime and Wine: Publicist, Publisher, Agent, Author Instructions

Crime and Wine (Novelist Chats with Pamela Fagan Hutchins) is a live stream video premiere show rendered to static video and aggregated podcast/audio.


Guests will be authors of full-length crime fiction novels, with a preference for female protagonists, new releases, and U.S.-based books. Guests are chosen gauged on estimated interest-level of Pamela’s audience in the book and author.

Email Pamela at PamelaFaganHutchins dot com with press kit and pitch. A fee is not charged for appearing on the show.

Appearing on the Show (Details and Instructions)

Premieres/Livestream: Wednesday at 7 p.m. Eastern Time Zone. Alternate times may be possible by special request.

Time slots on the show are twenty to thirty minutes long and focus on the book and characterization. It is highly recommended that guests provide their phone number in case of technical difficulty, and that they join the show 5-10 minutes in advance to iron out any technical issues.

Reviews: If a digital or audio copy of the book is provided in advance, reviews will be posted on Amazon, BookBub, Goodreads, and one other site if requested. Reviews will be shared on social media.

Promo: The show will be announced on this website and social media. Guests are requested to share the show on their social media as well, and website, blog, or newsletter if appropriate.

Broadcast Premiere is via Facebook Livestream. If possible, guests are requested to allow live stream of the show to their Facebook feed as well. If allowed, an invitation will be sent in advance for acceptance.

Recordings (Video and Audio/Podcast): a recording of the show will be rendered to static video (Youtube) and audio/podcast, which will be aggregated from Soundcloud and Anchor to Spotify, iTunes, and many, many others to 143 countries. It will be promoted via social media. The Authors on the Air Global Radio Network has a listener/viewership of over four million.

Instructions will be sent to guests and/or their representatives approximately one week in advance of the show and are quite simple. They will include a link.